Tuesday 6 June 2017

Heroes of disclosure.

Hi everyone.

So in today's Blogg I want to talk about the current state of disclosure.

I do feel like we are getting a slow disclosure. It seems that every other week someone has got something to say that brings another piece to the puzzle. Only last week Robert Bigelow made a significant statement. New whistle blowers come forward in a steady stream.

So why now? So many years after "Roswell".

Galileo(1564-1642), an Italian astronomer, told the world that Earth is not the centre of the Universe. He wrote a book about it. He was condemned and placed under house arrest for life. His work (The book:"The Dialogue concerning the Two Chief Worlds Systems) was forbidden and furthermore any work he would potentially produce thereafter.

Mad right? But I ask, have things really changed that much since? In today's world it might not be solely the Catholic church you need to watch out for. So the players have changed but the game remain the same.

It's worth remembering that the Whistle Blowers telling their story these days often are high ranking military personnel, who have nothing to win and everything to loose. You could say they are the heroes of today's society. Trying to free us all from lies, corruption and secrecy.
I am sitting here wondering how many it takes to convince the general public that the E.T issue is a serious, real phenomenon. That it is not in any way a comedy or a Sci.Fi. How many? It depends, right? There will always be a few who will never be able to accept this broader reality in which we live. I have come across a couple. They will end up being the minority, the Fringe and are not the ones I am concerned with. Its the big majority, the mass I am talking about. I hope they are "waking up" one by one. It's difficult to tell though.
What do you think? Do any of you have any good disclosure stories to tell? (or maybe bad experiences) Please I would love to hear about it.

Birgitte x👽x

Wednesday 31 May 2017

They are here....

Hi everyone.

I will try to make this a short one today. Initially wasn't going to Blogg at all today..... but then this THING HAPPENS. I couldn't let it be a stone unturned.

So for those of you who have not yet heard THE THING.

I found out this morning that  Robert Bigelow (CEO and founder of Bigelow Aerospace, also previous owner of the "Skinwalker Ranch")  had been interviewed by Laura Logan for CBC "In 60 min." on Sunday 28th May 2017. Published by Huffington Post.
In this interview he he says that UFOs are here, have been visiting and still are visiting Earth.
Ms. Logan asks him if we need to go to space to see them and he replies NO you don't because they are here. When asked where, he says: "right down under peoples noses".
When asked about how he feels about stating such facts, he replied: "I don't care" "I don't give a damn", "doesn't make a difference, reality of what I know".

Interestingly... adding to all  that, the Bigelow Aerospace logo does look like....well you be the judge. I'll say:"Hidden in plain sight"

Tuesday 30 May 2017


Hi everyone.

I am very excited to announce that last night I ordered an amazing infra red camera, on the behalf of and for the use of Disclosureteam Liverpool. The camera will come in handy when team members are doing fieldwork such as skywatching and CE5.

In today's blog I want to talk about Ben Rich. To me he stands out as an official who has come out with the most revealing statements.
Ben Rich was a CEO for Lockheed skunk works and famously stated:
  "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of god to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do"

When asked about the technology behind such space faring crafts he replied with a question:

 "How does ESP work"?

The questioner replied:"All points in time and space are connected". Ben Rich then said:

 "That is how it works"

I am amazed that he was able to get away with such revelations. He further more confirmed that Extraterrestrial visitors are real. All this and more was published in the MUFON Journal (May 2010).
Why are such statements not made known to the public via mainstream media? I should think it would be of relevance to most people. In order to achieve disclosure we need to have ways to communicate news to the otherwise uninformed public.
Please also check out my Twitter account:"Disclosureteam Liv".
Birgitte x👽x

Saturday 27 May 2017

One small step for man......

Hi everyone.
I had a lovely night sky watching last night. A few moving objects that happened to be silent. I would love to have had a closer look perhaps with an infra red recording binocular. (That I am ordering today, more about that to come)
So in today's blog I want to talk about connections. Edgar Mitchell famously said: "We are one". (Apollo 14, 6th man on the moon)
Our reality here on this planet is not just about us. Its about our place in the universe. I feel the time has come where we have to begin engaging in our wider reality. We are not alone and we never have been. I think a lot of you have already come to that conclusion. Humanity needs to take responsibility for this planet, Earth, that we are so fortunate to have been given. The number one priority should be caring for each other and with that the respect for the habitat of all civilisations on Earth.
We are one.Connected and yet at the same time one of many, but we don't regard that as reality. Why? Most people have not even thought about it. Everything is connected: Relationships, communities,countries,landmasses, planets and galaxies. We breathe the same air and drink the same water but somehow we seem to have lost our identity as one. Where has the love gone? That is what we need to find within our selves. The love for each other, the love for our planet and only then can we approach our cosmic family with the right mindset. We can all do this together. Starting with family, friends and local communities.If/when we manage to colonise Mars, we should be thinking about what we offer our cosmic relations. Don't let it be warmongering hostility.

Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016) said many profound things and was also a great advocate for disclosure. He is greatly missed.

Birgitte x👽x

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Our wider reality.

Hi everyone.
Let me begin by telling you some of my first thoughts regarding this very broad issue. If anyone had said, 3 years ago, that spirituality and the fact that we are not alone (in the universe) were linked, then I would have been the first to dispute that. I now know that the acknowledgement of the E.Ts is linked to an open mind, receiving mind or what some might describe as a heightened consciousness.
I was brought up by parents who were both scientists. There were no crystals, pendulums or tarot cards in sight. A visit to India opened my eyes to the world of meditation and with that a realisation/knowledge of how you could take control of your own life or how to deal with the stress in your own life. This led me to look into how to improve my life in other ways. I stumbled across an interesting book in my local bookstore "Mindfulness" by Gill Hasson. Read it if you havn't already. I think it directs you towards a meditative frame of mind in your everyday.

So why am I telling you all this?

I think all that may have to do with what I saw in the first week of July 2016. A massive illuminated orb. At least twice the size of a 747. This was over my home in Oxton, Wirral (Merseyside,U.K.)

I have since researched the topic only to find confirmations. I guess I would just really love to hear if anyone has got a view on that. Maybe you have had similar experiences. Birgitte x👽x

Cosmic Awakening

Hi everyone!
A welcome to my blog, to all you folks out there who have experienced or are in the midst of experiencing an awakening.
My hope is that this space will offer a platform to like-minded people, keen to spread the knowledge and to support those without a voice.
I'm always keen to hear your experiences,
Birgitte x👽x

Heroes of disclosure.

Hi everyone. So in today's Blogg I want to talk about the current state of disclosure. I do feel like we are getting a slow disclos...

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